The Latest Site News & Updates

Another successful month on the Salisbury River Park as we head towards completion. These pictures show the transformation in Central Car Park.

Site tours

We are keen to show any interested people around the site now it is nearing completion. We can tell you about how the project started and the work involved in completing it. At the moment we have set aside three dates for this, 20th January, 27th February and 17th March, but may add more dates if there is the demand. The size of groups will be limited, and attendance can be booked using the following link or QR code. Please pass this onto other people you think may be interested:

If you have any questions please email us at

Another successful month on the Salisbury River Park as we head towards completion. These pictures show the transformation in Central Car Park.

Site tours

We are keen to show any interested people around the site now it is nearing completion. We can tell you about how the project started and the work involved in completing it. At the moment we have set aside three dates for this, 20th January, 27th February and 17th March, but may add more dates if there is the demand. The size of groups will be limited, and attendance can be booked using the following link or QR code. Please pass this onto other people you think may be interested:

If you have any questions please email us at

Page last updated: 13 Dec 2024, 01:43 PM